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Dina Emrich




Chair of Applied Vegetation Ecology
Research Training Group ConFoBi (
Tennenbacher Str. 4
79106 Freiburg im Breisgau     


Room 3029

Tel. 0761/203-54042





Research Interest:

  • Lichen diversity
  • Bryophyte diversity
  • Biological Soil Crusts



RTG ConFoBi:

I am belonging to the Research Training Group ConFoBi, Project B1: Epiphyte and Microhabitat Structure. In my PhD, I am going to investigate the epiphytic lichen and bryophyte diversity on selected trees to evaluate the effect of forest connectivity and forest structure on the cryptogamic diversity as well as the influence on cryptogamic species cover. Potential habitat trees in the southern Black Forest are on main interest for the project.


Curriculum vitae:

since July 2019

PhD Researcher ConFoBi, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany

2016 - 2019

Study of Ecology and Microbial Biodiversity, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany

Master thesis: Lichens bite the Dust - Identity and Bio-weathering capacity of Chlorolichens from the         Atacama Desert

Degree obtained: M.Sc

2013 - 2016

Study of Biology, Justus-Liebig-University, Gießen, Germany

B.Sc Thesis: Effects of forest structure on bat activity and diversity

Degree obtained: B.Sc



Jung P, Baumann K, Emrich D, Schermer M, Eckhardt K-U, Jandl G, Leinweber P, Harion F, Wruck A, Grube M    Büdel B & Lakatos M (2024) The dark side of orange: Multiorganismic continuum dynamics within a lichen of the Atacama Desert, Mycologia, 116:1, 44-58, DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2023.2263148

Jung P, Werner L, Briegel-Williams L, Emrich D, Lakatos M (2023) Roccellinastrum, Cenozosia and Heterodermia: Ecology and phylogeny of fog lichens and their photobionts from the coastal Atacama Desert. MycoKeys 98: 317-348.

Jung, P., Baumann, K., Emrich, D., Springer, A., Felde, V.J.M.N.L., Dultz, S.,
Baum, C., Frank, M., Büdel, B., Leinweber, P. (2020) Lichens bite the Dust – A Bio-weathering Scenario in the
Atacama Desert. ISCIENCE

Jung P, Mikhailyuk T, Emrich D, Baumann K, Dultz S and Büdel B. (2020) Shifting Boundaries: ecological and geographical range extension based on three new species in the cyanobacterial genera Aliterella, Cyanocohniella and Oculatella. Journal of Phycology

Jung P, Emrich D, Briegel‐Williams L, et al. (2019) Ecophysiology and phylogeny of new terricolous and
epiphytic chlorolichens in a fog oasis of the Atacama Desert. MicrobiologyOpen
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